New York Times Latest Spin: Grandpa Biden Is Simply A Folksy Storyteller. Trump Is A Pure Liar.

Man, being a Democratic politician like President Joe Biden is so easy. You can lie through your teeth for 50 years straight, and the worst criticism from the lapdog media you will receive is a New York Times article waving all that dishonesty away as “storytelling” and “folklore.”

To save ink, let’s shorten “Biden’s storytelling” to “BS.”

On Monday, The Times wrote a lofty story about such BS titled, “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel.” 

The article, which took two journalists to write, has the subheader: “President Biden has been unable to break himself of the habit of embellishing narratives to weave a political identity.”

Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

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