President Trump’s CPAC Speech Was A Masterstroke Of Political Genius

President Trump was in vintage form on Saturday, where he first delivered the one-two punch between a Homeric speech, in which he deviated from his prepared remarks and instead chose to amuse the packed room with a series of ad-libbed stories from his first term.  Then, just a few hours later, he barnstormed to South Carolina and declared victory in what seemed like just minutes after his arrival and only hours after his highly entertaining peroration in National Harbor.  

Although the President continues to deal with the crippling effects of a justice system animated by the same communist ideologies that cannibalized the Soviet Union and so many Socialist banana republics to our south in the decades past, his remarks typified true statesmanship in being at one and the same time reasonable, and marinated in common sense.  The President’s hour-and-a-half-long speech not only amused the room but reminded everyone of how special it is to witness a single man so adept in both politics and entertainment – almost like a two-sport athlete, at the top of his game in both leagues.

But the occasion also struck a temperate chord – a warning that, really, not just America but the world’s fate hinges on the outcome of the coming election because President Trump alone seems to be the only leader capable (based on the chaos of the world situation since he departed office) of introducing peace and stability into a global order that has devolved into chaos.  Where Trump goes, so goes the world.


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