Trump Vows To Undo Biden's Pro-Transgender Rules On 'Day One' Of His Administration

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  • Source: ZeroHedge
  • 05/13/2024

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to reverse the Biden administration’s expansion of Title IX protections for transgender students on “day one” of his administration—if he wins the election in November.

President Joe Biden has set a pro-transgender course for his administration, advancing various policies that promote gender ideology and special protections for individuals who identify as something different from their birth sex.

In a move that sparked widespread controversy and a bevy of lawsuits, the Department of Education (DOE) expanded the decades-old Title IX law that prohibits sex discrimination in schools to now include sexual orientation and “gender identity.” The changes, which stop short of prohibiting schools from banning female-identifying male athletes from competing against females, are slated to go into effect on Aug. 1.

President Trump, who earlier waded into the transgender debate by pledging to punish doctors who provide so-called “gender-affirming” care to children, on Friday promised to undo the Biden administration’s Title IX changes.


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